
Law firm Veronica Grillo is situated in Vicenza since 2013. Lawer Veronica Grillo graduated in law from the University of Padua (108/110) with a thesis in Criminal Comparative Law.

Lawyer Veronica Grillo's main areas of activity are italian Civil law (judicial and ADR) expecially inheritance law, family law, tort law and contract law, Labour law, Fiscal law and Criminal law regarding enterprises under Italian law n. 231/2001.

List of practice areas:

  • ITALIAN FAMILY LAW: it's a legal area that focues on issues involving family relationships such as adoption, divorce and child custody, in front of the Court or in related negotiations (in Italy "mediazione familiare")
  • ITALIAN CIVIL LAW: it's the legal area that focuses on issues involving private rights and remedies in such areas as contracts, property and civil liability
  • PRIVACY AND BUSINESS LAW: legal consulting to organisations on the appropriate implementation and compliance with privacy laws as a risk based strategy and legal advice to any part of the running of business (from offset all the way to dissolving a company), included enterprises liability under Italian law n. 231/2001
  • CONTRACT LAW (english and french): examination and drafting of contracts as well as the general terms and conditions, the observance of formal requirements and special features of contracts concluded on the Internet to prevent the successful conclusion of a contract
  • ITALIAN TAX LAW: ensuring compliance with laws and regulations concerning income tax, capital gains tax, property tax or other tax obligations, and defending in Italian tax proceeding 
  • ITALIAN LABOUR LAW: advisory services and assistance in various areas of labour law, trade union law and industrial relations, included disputes concerning individual dismissals, company moves and the suspension of employment contracts, changing employees’ duties, transfers of individual employees; also advise on contracts for quasi-subordinate and self-employed workers

Lawyer Veronica Grillo understands and writes in english and french thanks to university courses of languages, in particular legal english.


The purpose is to achieve an exhaustive and precise legal service and to ensure information accessible and transparency on time and costs. The law-firm benefits from a team of experts in different areas (e. notary, tax adviser, engineer) who assist the lawyer on the case. The services are always tailored on the client's requirement and expectation.







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